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Using Magic Insert we are, for the first time, able to drag-and-drop a subject from an image with an arbitrary style onto another target image with a vastly different style and achieve a style-aware and realistic insertion of the subject into the target image.


We present Magic Insert, a method for dragging-and-dropping subjects from a user-provided image into a target image of a different style in a physically plausible manner while matching the style of the target image. This work formalizes the problem of style-aware drag-and-drop and presents a method for tackling it by addressing two sub-problems: style-aware personalization and realistic object insertion in stylized images. For style-aware personalization, our method first fine-tunes a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model using LoRA and learned text tokens on the subject image, and then infuses it with a CLIP representation of the target style. For object insertion, we use Bootstrapped Domain Adaption to adapt a domain-specific photorealistic object insertion model to the domain of diverse artistic styles. Overall, the method significantly outperforms traditional approaches such as inpainting. Finally, we present a dataset, SubjectPlop, to facilitate evaluation and future progress in this area.


Style-Aware Personalization

Style-Aware Personalization

To generate a subject that fully respects the style of the target image while also conserving the subject's essence and identity, we (1) personalize a diffusion model in both weight and embedding space, by training LoRA deltas on top of the pre-trained diffusion model and simultaneously training the embedding of two text tokens using the diffusion denoising loss (2) use this personalized diffusion model to generate the style-aware subject by embedding the style of the target image and conducting adapter style-injection into select upsampling layers of the model during denoising.

Subject Insertion

Subject Insertion

In order to insert the style-aware personalized generation, we (1) copy-paste a segmented version of the subject onto the target image (2) run our subject insertion model on the deshadowed image - this creates context cues and realistically embeds the subject into the image including shadows and reflections.

Bootstrap Domain Adaptation

Bootstrap Domain Adaptation

Surprisingly, a diffusion model trained for subject insertion/removal on data captured in the real world can generalize to images in the wider stylistic domain in a limited fashion. We introduce bootstrapped domain adaptation, where a model's effective domain can be adapted by using a subset of its own outputs. (left) Specifically, we use a subject removal/insertion model to first remove subjects and shadows from a dataset from our target domain. Then, we filter flawed outputs, and use the filtered set of images to retrain the subject removal/insertion model. (right) We observe that, the initial distribution (blue) changes after training (purple) and initially incorrectly treated images (red samples) are subsequently correctly treated (green). When doing bootstrapped domain adaptation, we train on only the initially correct samples (green).


Results Gallery

We present a gallery of results to highlight the effectiveness and versatility of our method for style-aware insertion. The examples span a wide range of subjects and target backgrounds with vastly different artistic styles, from photorealistic scenes to cartoons, and paintings.

LLM-Guided Affordances

LLM-Guided Affordances

Examples of an LLM-guided pose modification for Magic Insert, with the LLM suggesting plausible poses and environment interactions for areas of the image and Magic Insert generating and inserting the stylized subject with the corresponding pose into the image.

Bootstrap Domain Adaptation Results

Bootstrap Domain Adaptation Results

Inserting a subject with the pre-trained subject insertion module without bootstrap domain adaptation generates subpar results, with failure modes such as missing shadows and reflections, or added distortions and artifacts.

Style-Aware Personalization Baseline Comparison

Style-Aware Personalization Baseline Comparison

We show some comparisons of our style-aware personalization method with respect to the top performing baselines StyleAlign + ControlNet and InstantStyle + ControlNet. We can see that the baselines can yield decent outputs, but lag behind our style-aware personalization method in overall quality. In particular InstantStyle + ControlNet outputs often appear slightly blurry and don't capture subject features with good contrast.

Style-Aware Personalization with Attribute Modification

Style-Aware Personalization with Attribute Modification

Our method allows us to modify key attributes for the subject, such as the ones reflected in this figure, while consistently applying our target style over the generations. This allows us to reinvent the character, or add accessories, which gives large flexibility for creative uses. Note that when using ControlNet this capability disappears.

Editability / Fidelity Tradeoff

Editability / Fidelity Tradeoff

We show the phenomenon of editability / fidelity tradeoff by showing generations for different finetuning iterations of the space marine (shown above the images) with the "green ship" stylization and additional text prompting "sitting down on the floor". When the style-aware personalized model is finetuned for longer on the subject, we get stronger fidelity to the subject but have less flexibility on editing the pose or other semantic properties of the subject. This can also translate to style editability.


    title={Magic Insert: Style-Aware Drag-and-Drop},
    author={Ruiz, Nataniel and Li, Yuanzhen and Wadhwa, Neal and Pritch, Yael and Rubinstein, Michael and Jacobs, David E. and Fruchter, Shlomi},